And, only one English phrase in those minds:
"Give me chocolate!!"
Everytime I pass one of these girls in the hallway, the exchange goes as follows:
Girl: (Waving in my face) "Harrow Mistah Adamusuuu!"
[Students seem to really enjoy drawing out the last syllable of my name]
Me: "Hey. What's up?"
Girl: (Now waving an open palm in my face) "Give me chocoretto!"
Me: (Shaking my head and laughing) "Sorry, I don't carry chocolate around all the time."
She stares for a second at me blankly, tilting her face to the side in a way reminiscent of the cock of the head of a confused labrador. After a few seconds, however, she snaps her fingers and smiles.
Girl: "Ahaaa, yes yes...I understand. Mistah Adamusuuu, give me chocoretto PLEASE!"
Me: (Rolling my eyes)
The path this usually takes is me heading back to my desk with the girl or girls in tow. At this point, I have turned this into a sort of conversation exchange in which I ask them to explain why should receive chocolate. Usually, this invokes an answer like, "Because I need it, Mr. Adams." This is so hilariously - and unintentionally - sexual that I never fail to laugh. If they can speak to me in English for a bit, I'll toss them a Hershey's Kiss. Reminiscent of how one might toss a treat to a labrador. I'm not sure whether this is a form of enabling or training, really.
The spectacle of this steady procession of demanding girls to my desk tends to amuse the surrounding teachers. The sarcastic female teacher thumbs her nose at their "disgusting, grabby little paws," but still smirks. The Beach Boys Sensei, however, just sighs, and pronounces somberly:
"They're like the girls begging American soldiers for chocolate after the war."
This is a joke, though it takes me a few seconds of looking him in the eyes to know for sure, and a few more to know for sure whether I am really allowed to laugh at it.
I thought of the same thing as Suzuki-sensei when I started reading this story!
Teacher vs Students?
Trainer vs Dogs?
the American soldiers vs the Japanese after WWII?
Anyways, chocolate is always tasty.
Your maiko must have a damn good sense of humour to put up with your arrogant crap against her culture...i cant wait to meet her.
and its, "Peeease Mistah Adamusu".
just like, pease wet me see yo egg wowle solda boy...
This is hardly about Japan as much as it is about loud, needy girls; a universal sort of "culture."
and give the casual racism a rest; it's not flattering
sorry lukey, i am still trying to get rid of my thai accente...
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